
Tourette综合征抽动症状严重程度与静息态功能磁共振脑低频振幅相关性的研究 被引量:4

Relationship between tic symptom severity and amplitude of low frequency fluctuation of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging of Tourette syndrome
摘要 目的探讨静息态下Tourette综合征(TS)患儿症状严重程度与静息态功能磁共振脑低频振幅的相关性。方法本组16例,均来自首都医科大学附属北京安定医院儿科门诊,均为首发Ts患儿,男13例,女3例,年龄6~16岁,平均(11.00±2.92)岁,平均受教育年限(5.06±2.86)年;病程14~104个月,平均(48.44±25.00)个月。入组时耶鲁大体抽动严重程度量表评分:严重程度分:(37.884-5.39)分,综合损伤分:(25.63±12.63)分。对本组患儿进行静息态功能磁共振的扫描。分别在0.01~0.1Hz,0.01~0.027Hz及0.027~0.073Hz频段内计算脑低频振幅(ALFF)值,并将患者ALFF值与其抽动症状严重程度进行相关分析,设P〈0.05且k值≥10为差异有统计学意义。结果以下脑区的抽动症状严重程度评分与ALFF值呈正相关:左额上回眶部(0.01~0.1Hz:r=0.83,0.027~0.073Hz:r=0.91,P均〈0.05)、右额中回(O.01~0.027Hz:r=0.85,0.027~0.073Hz:r=0.57,P均〈0.05)、左额中回眶部(0.01~0.027Hz:r=0.64,P〈0.05)。以下脑区的抽动症状严重程度评分与ALFF值呈负相关:右距状沟及周围皮质(0.01~0.1Hz:r=-0.65,0.01~0.027Hz:r=-0.69,P均〈0.05)、左距状沟及周围皮质(0.027~0.073Hz:r=-0.8l,P〈0.05)。结论首发TS患儿抽动症状严重程度与特定区域的脑功能活动异常有关。 Objective To examine the relationship between tic symptom severity and amplitude of low frequency fluctuation (ALFF) brain functioning of the first-episode Tourette syndrome through resting- state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Method Sixteen subjects were all recruited from the outpatient department of pediatrics, Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University and were all first- episode Tourette syndrome patients [ male : 13, female : 3 ; age : 6 - 16 years ; mean age : ( 11. O0 _+ 2.92) years] ; mean education time: (5.06 -+ 2.86) years; course: 14 - 104 months; mean (48.44 + 25.00) months ; scores of YGTSS at baseline : tic severity score : 37.88 + 5.39 ; global damage score : 25.63 + 12. 63. All the subjects experienced resting-state fMRI scans and ALFF were calculated in three frequency ranges: 0. O1 -0. 1 Hz, 0. O1 -0. 027 Hz and 0. 027 -0. 073 Hz. First-episode Tourette syndrome patients and 16 gender, age, and education-matched normal controls experienced resting-state fMRI scans. Correlation analysis was performed in between the amplitude of low frequency fluctuation (ALFF) and the severity of tic symptom. P 〈 0. 05 and k value/〉 10 were considered to be of significance. Result In tic symptom patients, tic severity (total tic scores of YGTSS) was positively correlated with the ALFF values in the orbital part of left superior frontal gyrns (0. O1 - 0. 1 Hz : r = O. 83,0. 027 - 0. 073 Hz : r = 0. 91, P 〈 0. 05, respectively), right middle frontal gyrus (0. 01 - 0. 027 Hz: r = 0. 85,0. 027 - 0. 073 Hz: r = 0. 57, P 〈 0. 05, respectively ) and orbital part of left middle frontal gyrus ( 0. 01 - O. 027 Hz : r = 0. 64, P 〈 0. 05). Tic severity was negatively correlated with the ALFF values in the right calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex (0. 01 -0. 1 Hz:r = -0. 65,0. 01 -0. 027 Hz:r = -0. 69,P 〈0. 05, respectively ) and the left calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex (0. 027 - 0. 0
出处 《中华儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期448-452,共5页 Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
基金 同家自然科学基金(81071108) 首都医学发展基金(20093138)
关键词 多动秽语综合征 磁共振成像 静息态 Tourette syndrome Magnetic resonance imaging Resting-state
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