作为一种输入型技能,英语听力在学生的语言习得中占有十分重要的地位,却又困扰着教学双方。作者结合自身教学实践,基于英语专业听力教材Step By Step 2000(3)(4)和学情分析,从课堂导入、预听内容、听中阶段、课外作业、多样化的课堂活动等方面进行了系统的教学设计,以期积极促进学生听力理解水平的提高。
As one of the receptive skills, English listening plays an important role in English acquisition yet it has been always troubling the teachers and students. Based on the author's own teaching experience,this paper makes a brief analysis of the students" current situation and teaching material Step By Step 2000(3 )(4), and explores the teaching design of English listening from the aspects of leading-in, pre-listening preparation,while-listening, assignments and various activities,in hope of promoting the students' listening comprehension.
Journal of Jincheng Institute of Technology