
教师教育的课程创新——实验型教学专业化课程体系的生成与建构 被引量:18

Generation and Construction of the Laboratory-Based Program for Professionalization of Teaching: Curriculum Innovation of Teacher Education
摘要 因应当代卓越教师教育培养模式创新的诉求,实验型教学专业化课程体系应运而生,它以教学专业化为动力,以课目教育学知识为基础,以实验教学为核心。基于课目教育学知识的"识知-转化"原理,实验型教学专业化课程体系由具有"转化-生成"关系的八类课程构成。其中,通识教育类课程是基础,学科专业类课程、通用教育学类课程以及教育实践类课程相互交融"转化",分别"生成"了课目教育学类课程、通用教育见习类课程和课目教学见习类课程,它们进一步交融"转化",再"生成"了实验教学类课程。这八类课程有机融合而成的实验型教学专业化课程体系,能够有效地提升卓越教师所需的高深学术修养和高超教学专业技能与能力。 In this paper, authors suggest a new direction of developing teacher education curriculum, which is called the Laboratory-Based Program for Professionalization of Teaching (LBP-PT). By referencing research literatures, authors argue firstly that LBP-PT apparently is a new kind of curriculum theory into practice emerging in contemporary teacher education reform worldwide, which is driven by teaching professionalization movement, and takes pedagogical content knowledge as its epistemological base and develops on-campus laboratory experiences as its instructional approaches; and clarify secondly that LBP-PT includes eight types of courses, which are transformative and reproductive and among which the general education courses are basic while the subject courses, the general pedagogical courses and the practical/contextual courses are blended each other and then transform respectively into three types of courses: the school-visiting, and the classroom-visiting, and the pedagogical content courses, which are further blended and then transform into the laboratory-based courses. These eight types of courses blend to form the LBP-PT, which can effectively prepare the professional skills and competences of expert teachers as well as the advanced academic culture of them.
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期31-37,共7页 Research in Educational Development
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划2010年度后期资助项目(GD10HJY01)"学习化课程论稿--课程文化哲学初探" 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2012年度项目"校本微型课程开发的理论与实践研究"(GD12YJY02)的阶段性成果
关键词 卓越教师教育 教学专业化 课目教育学知识 实验教学 实验型教学专业化课程体系 teacher education, professionalization of teaching, pedagogical content knowledge, on-campus laboratory-based experiences, laboratory-based program for professionalization of teaching (LBP-PT)
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