原发性乳腺淋巴瘤(primary breast lympho-ma,PBL)极为少见,多发生于右侧乳腺,占结外淋巴瘤的1.7%~2.2%,在NHL中占0.38%~0.7%,在所有乳腺的恶性肿瘤中占0.4%~0.5%。文献报道,PBL平均发病年龄为60~65岁,几乎都在女性中发生,11%PBL患者有双侧乳腺累及,这种疾病尤其见于怀孕期及产后妇女,
Primary breast lymphoma (PBL) is an uncommon disease. Reseach advances in clinical presentation.diagnosis,prognostic factors and treatment options of PBL are reviewed,as well as whether ALK-l-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants is a new clinical entity. There is no consensus on best treatment of PBL. Mastectomy is considered with no benefit to PBL. The combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is considered the most successful treatment. PBI. is poorly treated in rituximab-containing trials for DL- BCL patients. There is little experience with this agent in breast DLBCI.. Because of the high incidence of central nervous system (CNS) involvement in PBL patients,it is strongly advised that patients with aggressive forms of PBL should receive CNS infiltration prophylaxis. There is convincing evidence that primary implant-related ALK 1 (- )anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL)represents a distinct clinicopathologic entity which is previously inap propriately fitted into the category of systemic ALK-1 (-) ALCI.. Thus it should be recognized as a separate category and classified on its own. The role of rituximab in the treatment of PBL needs more clinical experiences. A larger analysis and prospective evaluation of ALCL patients are needed to investigate the natural course of the disease and best therapeutic approaches for these patients.
Journal of Clinical Hematology
primary breast lymphoma
breast implants