
再论“后理论时代”的西方文论态势及走向 被引量:18

Secondary Thought on the State and New Orientations of Western Literary and Cultural Theory in the“Post-Theoretic Era”
摘要 我们现在处于一个"后理论时代",这一时代并不仅仅说明理论衰落后的状态,它既是一个时间概念同时也蕴含着一定的内涵:它标志着西方文学和文化理论失去了曾经有过的黄金时代和轰动效应,即使是最有影响力和持久性的理论也有其时间和空间的局限,它不可能是放之四海而皆准的,它既然来自文学和文化实践,那就理应返回它应该发挥功能的场所。在"后理论时代",没有任何一种理论可以说君临一切,甚至都很难说能持久地占据主导地位,它和其他理论实际上呈一种共存和互动的状态,因此"后理论时代"又是一个没有主流和中心的时代,每一种理论都能在"众声喧哗"的氛围中找到自己可发挥作用的有限空间。因此,在"后理论时代",理论并没有死亡,只是不再具有以往的那种所向披靡和无所不能的效应,但依然能够有效地解释当代文学和文化现象。"后理论时代"的来临也为长期以来处于边缘地带的非西方文学和文化理论步入理论的中心进而和占据主导地位的西方理论进行平等对话铺平了道路。 As a dynamic response to the description of Western literary theory today made by Amerlcan theorist Jonathan Culler, the author offers his own different opinion. He holds that we are now in a "post- theoretic era", which does not only mean that theory is on the decline but it also has some deep connotations. It indicates that Western literary and cultural theory has already passed its golden age and lost its wide influence; even if those most influential theories are restricted to specific space and time, which means they cannot always effectively interpret various literary and cultural phenomena in today's world; since they come from literary and cultural practice, they should function where they are from. In such a "post-theoretic era", no theory could always dominate over theoretical studies, nor could it remain in a dominant position. It merely co-exists with other theories. The "post-theoretic era" is the one without mainstream or center, with every theory functioning in its limited sphere in such a "carnivalizing" context. In this sense, to the author, in such an era, theory is not dead, but it is no longer so effective and forceful as it used to be although it could still interpret various literary and cultural phenomena today. The coming of the "post-theoretic era" enables the literary and cultural theory in those non-Western countries to move toward the center and dialogue with the dominant Western theory in an equal manner.
作者 王宁
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期107-115,共9页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"20世纪域外文论的本土化研究"(12&ZD166)子项目"近百年西方文论的翻译研究"的阶段性成果之一
关键词 “后理论时代”卡勒 文学性西方文论中国文论 post-theoretic era, Culler, literary, Western theory, Chinese literary theory
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