通过对JG36-400C型闭式双点压力机横梁的受力进行有限元分析及计算,研究在公称压力下横梁的变形和应力分布,依此对横梁结构进行优化设计。使用Pro/Engineer进行横梁的有限元三维模型的创建,利用ANSYS和Pro/Engineer的接口直接导入ANSYS Workbench,对横梁进行强度和刚度分析,根据分析结果在Pro/Engineer中完成横梁三维模型结构的改进,从而达到减轻自重、降低成本的目的。
The stress finite element analysis and calculation of the beam for JG36-400C straight side double crank press have been ~.onducted and the deformation and stress distribution under the nominal force has been sludied.Ttu,s in this way,lhe beam struelure has been optimized in design process.The Pro/Engineer has been adopted to establish the lhree-D finite element model of lhe beam. The connector of ANSYS and Pro/Engineer has been used 1o lead-in ANSYS Workbench in order to analyze the strength and rigidity of the beam.As per the resuhs, improved in the Pro/Engineer.Then the self-weight has been
China Metalforming Equipment & Manufacturing Technology