
合肥市水源与饮用水中挥发性卤代烃健康风险评价 被引量:5

Health risk assessment of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in drinking water in Hefei
摘要 目的调查合肥市水源与饮用水中挥发性卤代烃污染水平,评估对人体潜在健康风险。方法顶空气相色谱法测定合肥市A、B两水厂水源水、出厂水及管网末梢水中7种卤代烃;采用美国环保暑(USEPA)水环境健康风险评价模型,从摄入、皮肤接触和吸入3种途径进行定量评估。结果水源水检出CHCl3、CCl4和C2Cl43种卤代烃,出厂水和管网末梢水除CHBr3,其余6种均有检出,平均浓度范围分别为0.17~3.64μg/L、0.11~37.05μg/L和0.03~52.25μg/L,均未超过国家标准。致癌风险主要来自CHCl3、C2HCl3和CHBrCl2,风险值男性6.61E-07~8.21E-05,女性6.70E-10~7.69E-05。不同暴露途径致癌风险,经口摄入>吸入>皮肤接触。引起非致癌风险的化合物主要为CHCl3和C2HCl3,风险指数男性5.05E-02~7.83E-01,女性5.11E-02~7.94E-01。A、B两水厂所检挥发性卤代烃种类和浓度不同,致癌风险和非致癌风险有所差异。结论目前合肥市水源及饮用水中挥发性卤代烃致癌风险和非致癌风险均在可接受水平,不会对成人产生明显的健康危害。 Objective To assess the potential health risk of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water in Hefei. Methods Headspace gas chromatography was used to determine the level of seven volatile chlori- nated hydrocarbons in drinking water from water supply A and B, then according to the risk assessment model recommended by US EPA, a quantitative evaluation was conducted regarding oral, dermal and inhalation ex- posure. Results Among the seven volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons, only CHC13, CC14 and C2 C14 were de- tected in source water with the average concentrations of 0.17-3.64 9g/L, 0.11-37.05 μg/L and 0.03- 52.25 μg/L which were all in the normal range. Except for CHBr3, the other six compounds were all detected in both finished water and tap water, and none was beyond the national standard. CHCI3, C2HC13 and CH- grCl2 were the major cancer risk factors with the risk values ranged from 6.61E-10 to 8.21E-08 in male and from 6.70E-10 to 7.69E 08 in female. Among three exposure pathways, oral intake was considered to be the highest risk of cancer, followed by inhalation and dermal contact. CHC13 and Cx HCI3 were major compounds of non cancer risk with the risk values of 5.05E-06 to7.83E-04 in male and 5.11E-06 to7.94E-04 in fe- male. Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and the concentrations detected in drinking water from A and B water supplies were different, so the risks of cancer and non cancer varied accordingly. Conclusions The volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in source and drinking water in Hefei are not hazardous to human health because they are still in acceptable levels.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第4期260-264,共5页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
基金 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(11040606M216) 安徽省预防医学与公共卫生科研项目(2011Y0103)
关键词 挥发性卤代烃 健康风险评价 Drinking water~ Volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons Health Risk Assessment
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