根据BUCK DC/DC变换器工作原理推导出以电感电流为变量的一种易于实现的数字控制策略。将该方法以电流前馈方式与带滞环PID控制方法相结合,形成一种电流前馈控制策略。并以Buck DC/DC为例进行仿真与实现。仿真和实验结果表明:该控制策略能够使Buck DC/DC具有良好的输入电压调整特性及开关误差校正能力,符合动态性能要求较高的数字控制应用。与常规控制方法相比,具有算法实现简单,响应速度快,电压过充小,整定参数少的优点。
According to the working principle of the BUCK DC/ DC converter, a digital control strategy easy to im- plement,based on the inductor current, is derived in this paper. Combined with the PID control method with hysteresis,a DC/DC control strategy with feed-back current is designed. The simulation and implementation are completed by using an example of Buck DC/DC, and the simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control strategy enables the Buck converter with good input voltage adjustment and switch error correction capability which meet the digital control application requires a high dynamic performance. And compared with normal conventional control method, it has the advantages easy to implement, simple algorithm, fast response, small overshoot, etc.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices