
一种基于GPU的柔和阴影实现方法研究 被引量:3

Research on Realizing Method of Soft Shadow Based on GPU
摘要 阴影是虚拟环境中真实感的重要特征。由于并行分割的阴影贴图算法的通用性和效率,它对大规模复杂的虚拟环境中的实时阴影渲染起了重要作用。但是对于塔台仿真系统这样的大规模动态场景,锯齿现象依然存在,利用差值阴影贴图等方法,对其效果进行了改进,并利用GPU强大的浮点数运算能力和并行处理能力加速了阴影的实现,有效地保证了阴影的真实性和实时性。实验结果表明生成的阴影边缘柔和,抗锯齿效果好,有效地解决了偏离和光渗问题,达到了实时仿真的要求。 The shadow is the important characteristics of reality in the virtual environment. Because of the universal and efficiency, parallel split shadow maps algorithm plays an important role to the real-time shadow rendering in the large scale and complicated virtual environ- ment. But to tower simulation system which is large-scale dynamic scene, alias is still happened, using such as variance shadow maps to improve its effect, and using the powerful floating-point operation ability and parallel processing ability of GPU to accelerate the realiza- tion of shadow, so it can effectively guarantee the authenticity and real-time of the shadow. The experimental results show that the shad- ow generated has soft edge, well anti-aliasing effect, and solving the problem of shadow biasing and light bleeding, achieving the require- ments of real-time simulation.
作者 付燕丽 刘循
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第2期52-56,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB320803)
关键词 阴影图 反走样 图形处理单元 大规模场景 并行分割的阴影贴图 差值阴影贴图 shadow mapping anti-aliasing GPU large scale environment PSSMs VSM
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