目的:为了解我国优秀女子山地自行车运动员比赛中的负荷特征,采用GARMIN705edge自行车专用心率表记录我国优秀女子山地自行车运动员比赛全程心率;方法:根据6名优秀女子山地自行车运动员在2010—2011年8场比赛中的全程心率数据,采用Lucia的Trimp算法把比赛过程中的全部心率数据根据有氧阈心率、无氧阈心率计算出总Trimp值,以及分区的Trimp I、Trimp II、Trimp III值,同时,结合比赛成绩、赛道程度、对手能力状况进行分析;结果:冠军赛的比赛距离为22~36km,比赛时间为93.86±6.46min~103.34±15.03min,Trimp值为178.00±35.53AU~201.15±46.94AU;全国锦标赛和世界锦标赛比赛距离为33.7km、26km,时间为115.86±13.76min、116.46±2.06 min,Trimp值为232.78±31.20AU、236.07±2.74AU;结论:平均心率、运动时间、比赛距离的变化趋势基本一致,总Trimp值随比赛级别的降低,呈现下降的趋势,具体为:世界锦标赛负荷总量>全国锦标赛负荷总量>全国冠军赛负荷总量;在整个比赛过程中,运动员心率主要集中在有氧阈-无氧阈区间,混氧运动时间比例较大;在比赛的不同阶段,世界锦标赛中运动员途中骑行阶段Trimp>冲刺阶段Trimp>出发阶段Trimp,全国锦标赛和冠军赛中,3个阶段Trimp值相近;对比不同比赛、不同阶段的时间特征显示:全国锦标赛、世界锦标赛途中阶段混氧运动时间较长,开始和冲刺阶段无氧运动时间较长;在冠军赛中,开始阶段、途中阶段、冲刺阶段混氧运动时间较长。
Objective: In order to examine exercise load characteristics of Chinese Women's Mountain Biking athletes in match, this paper makes analysis on HR data of 8 matches in 2010--2011 season for the 6 top Athletes of china by using the GARMIN 705 edge that is cy- cling heart rate. Methods:To calculate the total Trimp and Trimp I, Trimp II, Trimp III that is corresponding to aerobic threshold heart rate and anaerobic threshold heart rate by according to using the Lucia ' Trimp method. Result:The main results suggest that as a result of the long distance is 22 km- 36 km the match time is 93.86 ± 6.46 rain- 103.34± 15.03 min and the total Trimp is 178.00 ± 35.53 AU- 201. 15 ± 46.94 AU in championship competition; the long dis- tance is 33.7 krn, 26 kin, the match time is 115.86 d: 13.76 rain, 116.46 ± 2.06 min, the total Trimp is 232. 78±31. 20AU, 236. 07 ±2. 74AU in the national championship, the world championship. Conclusion:the total Trimp is increased with competition grade (total Trimp of the world championship〉total Trimp of the national championship〉total Trimp of champion- ship competition) ; the HR is mainly concentrated between the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold in competition, as a result of the middle Trimp 〉 the end Trimp 〉 the beginning Trimp at different stages of the national championship mateh~ The results according to the Time zoning at different stages of match showed that the Time zone II was higher at the mid- dle stages and the Time zone III was higher at the start and end stages in the national champi- onship and the world championship, but in the championship competition, the time zone II is higher at every stages.
China Sport Science and Technology