为了让Linux系统用户得到更多网络聊天的支持,基于套接字编程方法设计了一种应用在Linux的网络聊天系统,它具有群聊、私聊、查询、信息加密等功能,并在Fedora 10系统上做了相应验证性实验。实验结果表明其完全达到了设计的预设要求,具有较强的实用性。
In order to support Linux system users to get more network chat, a network chat system based on socket programming is designed on Linux. It has the functions of group chat, private chat, query, and information encryption and corresponding verification experiments are made on Fedora 10 system. The experiment results show that the system fully meets the design require- ments and has strong practicability.
Modern Electronics Technique