Conflict is a process that begins with an experience of difference of clashing needs or interests that unfolds and changes over time. It can range from extremely negative to extremely positive interactions. Addressing conflict from a dynamic perspective is a breakthrough in research on conflict in recent years. Any conflict can be treated as a dynamic system. A dynamic system is defined as a set of interconnected elements that change and evolve over time. A change in each element depends on the influences from other elements. In terms of a dynamic perspective, conflict is inherently a dynamic process. Unlike the traditional concepts and methods, the dynamic perspective considers conflict and conflict-related processes as a complex system. The relationship among the parties to conflict forms the specific conflict mode, which determines the relationships and behavior rules for all parties in conflict and becomes the origin and internal dynamic of conflict. The key to understanding conflict from the dynamic perspective centers on the notion of attractor. The attractor, in short, is a state or a reliable pattern of changes toward which a dynamic system evolves over time and to which the system returns after it has changed. In psychological terms, the attractor channels mental and behavioral experience into a narrow range of coherent states. The nature of attractors determines the state and evolving tendency of conflict. Therefore, intervening conflicts means to change the inherent dynamic characters of the conflict system, namely the attractor. To change the nature of a conflict system is to establish a new pattern, in which the original attractor has transitioned from negativity to positivity. A change in an attractor can reactivate the conditions that form entirely different model of thought, feeling, and action in relations between the parties. The deconstruction of an attractor for a destructive conflict involves restoring the muhidimensionality of the conflict system, introducing negative feedback loops into t
Journal of Psychological Science
conflict, dynamics, attractor, conflict intervention