目的了解北京市家庭低钠盐使用情况及其影响因素,探究低钠盐使用对钠盐摄入量、尿液中钠/钾比值及血压等的影响。方法采用自行设计的知识和行为调查问卷,于2011年对两阶段整群抽样的方法抽取的北京市城区、郊区各4所学校随机抽中班级的学生家长进行横断面调查并进行体格测量,收集家庭低钠盐使用、影响因素及相关知识行为情况及其血压情况;并对其中少部分家庭成员进行7 d的24 h尿液收集,分析低钠盐使用对钠盐摄入量、尿液中钠/钾离子比值和血压的影响。结果共1034位家长参与了问卷调查,合格问卷903份,其中27.4%的家庭正在使用低钠盐,城乡分别为27.0%和27.6%(P>0.05);家庭主要烹饪者的性别和低钠盐相关知识的知晓是影响低钠盐使用的主要因素,女性及知晓低钠盐知识的人更倾向于使用低钠盐。11户家庭的26位调查对象成功完成了尿液收集,低钠盐组和普通盐组尿钠/钾离子比分别为(2.6±0.8)、(3.4±0.8)(P<0.01),总人日均钠盐摄入量分别为(16.5±3.5)g、(19.2±4.6)g(P>0.05),两组收缩压和舒张压均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论北京市低钠盐推广行动初见成效,加强低钠盐相关知识普及及健康教育对低钠盐的推广具有积极意义。
Objective To investigate the status of low sodium salt intake and its influencing factors, and analyze correlation between low-sodium salt intake and individual salt consumption level, Na/K in urine and blood pressure. Meth- ods In 2011, two staged clustered sampling method were carried out in four schools in rural and urban areas of Beijing. The parents of students were investigated and a self-administered questionnaire, physical examination. Urine collection by 24 hour urine for consecutive 7 days was clone in few of families. Descriptive and univariate analysis were used to determine the current situation of low-sodium salt intake, and its correlation with BP, awareness of knowledge and its possible influencing factors. Results 1034 families participated in the investigation while 903 questionnair were valid. 27.4% of the participa- ted families used low sodium salt while 27. 0% in urban and 27.6% in rural areas (P 〉0. 05). Gender of the main cooker in family and the awareness of low sodium-salt related knowledge were two factors that correlated with the application of low sodium salt. Women and people with a better knowledge of low sodum salt were proned to its application. 26 persons from 11 families completed the 7-day urine collection. The amount of individuals' daily salt comsuption level was ( 16. 5 ± 3.5 ) g in low-sodium salt group and ( 19.2±4. 6) g of ordinary salt group (P 〉0. 05). The value of Na/K in urine was (2. 6 ±0. 8) in low-sodium salt group and (3.4 ±0. 8) of ordinary salt group (P 〈0. 01 ). There was no correlation between personal salt consumption amount and BP. Conclusion Health education and popularization of low sodium salt related knowledge played a positive role in the promotion of low sodium salt.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Low-sodium salt
24 hour urine
Na/K ratio
Health education