
嵌入大学科技园的紧密型产学研结合机制及区域创新驱动模式研究 被引量:11

The Tight Binding-type Mechanism of Industry-University-Institute Cooperation Embedded in University Science &Technology Park and Its Regional Innovation Driven-Mode
摘要 产学研结合的紧密程度不仅依赖中间力量对产学研主体的连接作用,更取决于产学研结合主体之间的互补性。首先分析了松散型产学研结合机制和紧密型产学研结合机制的成因,以及大学作为创新源头的缺位和原有辅助机构嵌入方式导致高新区发展的"空心化"和"外援化"困境,并进一步指出当前大力发展大学科技园的必要性,总结出辅助机构嵌入大学科技园的紧密型产学研平台的多种模式。最后,结合我国大力建设大学科技园及高新区二次创业并举的背景,阐述了大学科技园与高新区协同发展的条件,提出了"区中园、一体化、虚拟结合"这3种大学科技园与高新区有机结合的"双核"区域创新驱动模式。 This article argues that the combining degree of Industry-University-Institute depends not only on the forces of linking two main bodies,but also the complementarity between Industry-University-Institute each other.For this reason,this paper distinguishes the bonding mechanism between loose and tight binding of the IUI,then further elaborated the University's absence which act to be innovative source,as well as the plight of"hollow" and"foreign aid" in high-tech zones because of the original way which supporting institutions embedded in l,then pointing out that the current University Science Technology Park to develop the need for,and the variety of compact models of supporting institutions embedded in the University Science Technology Park to be tight binding-type IUI platform.At last,in the background of our great efforts to build the USTP and high-tech zones'Second Venture,expounding the developing of USTPs link with high-tech zones simultaneously,and variety of organic combination modes as powerful regional innovation driven force.
作者 李宇
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期5-10,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC790154) 辽宁省高等学校重大人文社会科学研究专项课题(2012lslktziglx-09) 大连市科技计划软科学项目(2010D12ZC074)
关键词 大学科技园 产学研合作 区域创新 产学研结合机制 University Science & Technology Park Industry-University-Institute Cooperation Regional innovation Mechanism of Industry-University-Institute Cooperation
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