
MSM艾滋病相关知识行为及互联网的使用情况调查 被引量:5

Study on Internet use and AIDS related knowledge and behaviors among MSM
摘要 目的了解男男性行为人群(MSM)使用互联网的情况、MSM人口学和性行为特征、艾滋病知识知晓情况,以及HIV、梅毒感染情况,为MSM艾滋病干预提供依据。方法对2011年参加艾滋病自愿咨询检测的MSM进行整群抽样调查,用自行设计的调查问卷,对MSM人口学特征、互联网的使用情况以及艾滋病知识知晓情况进行分析。结果调查735名MSM,77.28%通过互联网认识第一个男性伴,80.95%的人以互联网做为寻找男性性伴最常去的场所,每周上网浏览同性交友信息1~3小时以上占73.06%,近6个月53.47%有2个以上性伴,46.87%每次性交都用安全套;HIV感染率6.39%,梅毒感染率3.40%,艾滋病知晓率为94.56%,文化程度越高,艾滋病知晓率越高,艾滋病感染率越低。结论多性伴和无保护肛交等高危行为使MSM艾滋病感染情况严重,大多数MSM喜欢使用互联网结交同性朋友,为提高艾滋病知识知晓率,减少高危行为,应充分利用互联网等信息资源控制艾滋病。 Objective To understand the status of Internet use, AIDS related sexual behavior and knowledge, prevalence of HIV and syphilis infection, and provide evidence for AIDS intervention among MSM. Methods In 2011, a cluster sampling survey was carried out among MSM when they took AIDS voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) by using self-designed questionnaire. The MSM demographic characteristics, Internet use and the knowledge about HIV/AIDS were analyzed. Results 735 MSM were enrolled, 77.28% of them acquainted their first male partner through the Internet, 80.95% of them used the Internet as a search site for male sexual partner. 73.06% of them spent 1 - 3 hours or more per week for Internet gay friend sites. 53.47% of them had two or more sexual partners in nearly six months, 46. 87% of them used condom during sexual intercourse. HIV infection rate was 6. 39%, and syphilis infection rate was 3.40%, AIDS knowledge rate was 94. 56%. The higher level of education, higher was HIV/AIDS awareness, lower was the AIDS infection. Conclusion More sexual partners, unprotected anal sex, and other high-risk behaviors make MSM HIV infection in severe status. Because the Internet is a favorite way for MSM to search sexual partners, intervention by using Internet and other information resources should be considered as useful method in order to improve the knowledge about HIV/AIDS and reduce the high risk behaviors for AIDS control.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2012年第12期1026-1028,1032,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 广州市医药卫生科技项目(201102A213068) 越秀区科技计划项目(2010-WS-012)
关键词 艾滋病 MSM 互联网 知识 行为 AIDS MSM Internet Knowledge Behavior
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