In order to promote the equity in and sound development of early childhood education, the country and more than ten provinces have actively implement various support policies to ensure SD children' s equal right to early childhood education. By analy- zing these policies, the authors point out main features as following. The core is to protect the SD children' s basic right to education, the basic principles are no discrimination and giving them special protection; the focus is to help childhood whose family is poor, or- phans and disabled children, and the trend is toward inclusive education; The funding mechanism is financial investment - based, kin- dergarten, social and family to share approPriately; the main body is the children who study in inclusive kindergartens according to the proportion of different; establish a variety of support systems to provide SD children with compensation Education, financially supported education and free education; set up a special organization leadership, and establish the responsibility and accountability mechanism. In - depth analysis of the policies of the country and more than ten provinces contribute to understand the trend and characteristic of re- form for the central and local governments. The policies and experiences have significant and beneficial implications to the establish- ment and improvement of support policy of early childhood education, which thus promote education equity in China.
Journal of Schooling Studies
education support policy
socially disadvantaged children
the equity of early childhood education