
推进“精准资助”:义务教育学生资助管理绩效评估研究——基于第三方教育评估机构的数据分析 被引量:16

To Promote the Precise Funding: Performance Evaluation on Student Aid Management in Compulsory Education——Analysis Based on the Data of Educational Third-party Evaluation Agency
摘要 学生资助工作是国家"精准扶贫"、"消灭贫困县"的有机组成部分,也是保证学生受教育权利和基本人权的重要体现,对义务教育学生资助管理绩效评估则是政府部门推进"精准资助"的有效措施。本文依据第三方教育评估机构获得的实证评估数据,针对全国34个省级单位2014年度义务教育资助管理绩效情况,深入分析了我国义务教育学生资助管理的成绩与问题。评估结果显示:在资助管理成效方面,义务教育资助政策体系逐步完善,学生资助的项目范围不断增加,学生资助的覆盖面和数量不断扩大,各级部门资助资金落实效果明显,有力保证了义务教育阶段学生受教育的机会和权利;在资助管理问题方面,部分地方资金配套指标完成不足,省级管理机构监督检查力度不到位,学生资助政策宣传的落实环节存在缺失,信息管理工作重视程度不够等,这些问题在今后进一步推进义务教育"精准资助"工作中亟待改进。 Student aid system is an organic component of the national“precise funding”and“eradication of povertystricken counties”, and it is also an important embodiment of the guarantee of students’right to education and basic human rights. Management performance evaluation of compulsory education student aid is an effective measure for government to promote the precise funding. Based on the empirical data obtained by educational third- party evaluation agency, and according to the compulsory education management performance of 34 provincial units in the year of 2014,this paper thoroughly analyzed the achievements and problems of the management performance of compulsory education funding system in China. Assessment results show that, in terms of funding management effectiveness, the compulsory education aid policy system gradually improves, the range of student aid project is rising and the coverage and number of student aid constantly expand.. At the same time, the obviously effect of departments’fund appropriation is a forceful guarantee to students’right to education and rights at the stage of compulsory education. However, in terms of funding management,many issues still exist. First, there are some deficiencies in accomplishing indicators of supporting funds for compulsory education in some local governments. Second, the provincial supervision and inspection are poor, and the implementation link of the propaganda of compulsory education student aid is deficient. At last, attention paid in the information management is not enough. These questions are requeired to be solved and improved to continually promote the precise funding of student aid of compulsory education.
作者 曲绍卫 纪效珲 王澜 Shaowei Qu;Xiaohui Ji;Lan Wang(Institute of Educational Economy and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China 100083)
出处 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期81-86,共6页 Education & Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题"我国高校大学生资助管理评估研究"(项目编号:BFA 150041)阶段性成果
关键词 义务教育学生资助 管理绩效评估 问题及对策 Student Aid of Compulsory Education Management Performance Evaluation Problems and Countermeasures
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