目的:通过对女性乳腺疾病的流行病学调查,了解武进区女性乳腺疾病的患病情况,以及导致女性乳腺疾病的危险因素,制订乳腺疾病防治措施,保障女性身心健康。方法:培训专业人员,统一调查表,专职乳腺科医生首先进行视诊触诊检查,发现异常再进行乳腺彩超,彩超异常行钼靶检查,钼靶异常病理诊断进行确诊。结果:共调查69 258人,患有乳腺疾病10 748例,患病率为15.52%。其中乳腺增生9 969例,患病率14.39%,占乳腺疾病的92.75%;乳腺良性肿瘤750例,患病率1.08%,占乳腺疾病的6.98%;乳腺癌29例,患病率为41.9/10万,占乳腺疾病的0.27%。乳腺增生患病率最高。结论:乳腺疾病与婚姻状态、文化程度以及职业有关。应加大乳腺保健知识的宣传力度,普及乳腺自我检查方法,普查应列入常规工作,加大对基层医疗单位乳腺疾病检查人员的培训力度,采用各种防治措施,降低乳腺疾病的患病率。
Objective To explore the prevalence of female breast diseases and the risk factors in Wujin District,Jiangsu Province by epidemiological study and to establish the preventive measures against breast diseases.Methods The breast disease examiners were trained and the survey was formulated.First,Allied breast practitioners performed visual inspection and palpation examination.Second,if any issues were found in preceding examination,doctors performed breast ultrasound,mammography,and then pathological diagnosis.Results A total of 69,258 women were examined,with the breast disease prevalence rate of 15.52%.Of 10,748 breast disease cases,9 969 were breast hyperplasia,with the prevalence rate of 14.39%,accounting for 92.75% of breast disease;750 were benign breast tumor,with the prevalence rate of 1.08%,accounting for 6.98% of breast disease;29 were breast cancer,with the prevalence rate of 41.9/100,000,accounting for 0.27% of breast diseases.Among the breast diseases involved,breast hyperplasia had the highest prevalence rate.Conclusions Breast diseases are correlated with marital status,education and occupation.The dissemination of breast hygiene knowledge should be enhanced and breast self-examination should be educated and popularized.Screening should be included as routine breast examination.The training for breast disease examiners in primary health care units should be strengthened,in order to increase the examination quality.All the relevant measures are suggested to be considered and carried out,to diminish women's breast disease prevalence rate.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
breast disease
high risk factors