A new species, Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) choui sp. nov. from Sichuan Province in China, is described in this paper. The new species is similar to Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) changtunensis Yin, 1984, but it differs from the latter by: hind femur and tibia orange red, abdomen of male orange red at end and medial area of tegmen is 1.2 times cubital area. The new species is also similar to Ch. (Altichorthippus) tibetanus Uvarov, 1935, but differs from the latter by the lateral carinae of pronotum obvious and angulated in prozona, anterior and posterior transverse carinae not obliterated.
记述采自中国四川省网翅蝗科雏蝗属Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)1新种:周氏雏蝗Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)choui sp.nov.。本新种同昌都雏蝗Chorthippus(A.)changtunensis Yin,1984近似,其区别特征为:后足股节和胫节桔红色;雄性腹部末端桔红色;前翅中脉域宽为肘脉域宽的1.2倍;本新种同西藏雏蝗Ch.(A.)tibetanus Uvarov,1935也近似,其区别特征为前胸背板侧隆线在沟前区明显,呈角状弯曲,在前横沟和后横沟之间不消失。