1988年6月,在山东省烟台昆嵛山采到跷蝽科刺肋跷蝽属两头标本,经鉴定为1新种,现描述如下。模式标本存于内蒙古师范大学生物系。1.无纹刺肋跷蝽Metacanthus acinctus,新种(图1—9) 体狭长,黄褐色。头长0.60mm,宽0.42mm;颊部长超过复眼直径;头顶鼓,前端下倾,中叶长于侧叶;头背面横沟将头分为前后两叶,前叶长于后叶(6:2.5)。
In the present paper a new species of Metacanthus Costa from Shandong is described. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Inner Mongolian Teachers' University, Huhehot.1. Metacanthus acinctus Qi et Nonn, sp. nov. (figs. 1-9)This species is similar to M. lineatus (Jakovlev 1876), but differs in: 1. no fuscous striation on the 1st and 2nd segments of antenna and on femora and tibia of each leg; 2. connexivum tinged and no dark brown patterns behind each stigma; 3. different pygophore and parameres.Measurment: Total length (?) 6.16mm, abdomen width 0.56mm; pronotum length 0.98mm, width 0.63mm; hind femora length 4.90mm, hind tibia length 6.79mm; fore wing length 3.99mm.Holotype (?) , Shandong Province, Yantai (Kunyu Mountain), 21-Ⅵ-1988, collected by Nonnaizab; Paratype 1 (?) , same as the holotype.
Shandong, Metacanthus, New species.