Chorthippus rufifemurus sp.nov.(figs.1-4)This new species is similar to Ch.tibetanus Uv.but differs in: 1)longitudinal diameter of eyes 1.5 times the length of subocular suture,2) lengthof middle joint of antennae 1.2 times the width;3)lateral keels of pronotum tinct along whole length;4) widest of lateral keels in metazona 1. 5 times thelength of metazona, 5) hind wings slightly shorter than tegmina,6) tympanalorgan aperture broadly seamed, length 3 times the width;7) hind tibia with lightred-brown in colour; 8) in male, supra anal-plate with longitudinal groove inhasal half.Female unknown.Length of body: ♂ 12. 1-13.7mm; length of pronotum:♂ 2.5-2.7mm;length of elytrat:♂ 6.5-7.6mm, length of hind femur:♂7.9-9.1 mm.Holotype ♂,Shanxi:Lingchun County,Sept. 12. 1990; peratype 1 ♂,Shanxi:Taiyuan,Sept.27,1990,is allied to Chorthippus bilineatus Zhang, but differs in: 1)frontal ridge with longitudinal groove along whole length, 2) foveola rectangle,length 2 times the width;3) antennae slender, length of middle joint about 2. 5times the width;4) eyes larger, longitudinal diameter 1. 5 times the length ofsubocular suture; 5) widest of lateral keels of pronotum 2. 5 times the narrowestin prozona, 6 ) length of prozona 1.12 times the metazona,7) tegmina justreaching beyond apex. of abdomen; 8 ) tympanal organ aperture broadly rounded,width 1.5 times the length, 9) in male, supre anal-plate with longitudinal groovealong whole length, with cross ridge in the middle.Female unknown.Length of body:♂16.0 mm; length of pronotum:♂3. 3 mm,length ofelytra: 9.7mm; length of hind femurs♂9.2mm.Holotype♂ Shanxi:Pingshun County. Aug. 20,1991, collected by LiuJubao.Chorthippus nigricanivenus sp. nov. (figs.10 ~13 )This new species is similar to Chorthippus horqinensis Li et Yin, but differs in:1) lateral keels of pronotum distinct only at metazona; 2)length of prozona 1.3times the length of metazona, 3) without postocular bands, 4) knees of hindfemur dark brown in colour.Female unknown.Length of body:.♂16.5 mm; le
Acta Entomologica Sinica