以黑珍珠莲雾优系‘农科二号’为材料,开展莲雾果实发育过程果皮色泽和色素变化的研究。结果表明:伴随着果实发育过程,果皮颜色由黄绿色逐渐向红色转变;叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量逐渐下降;类胡萝卜素含量变化呈现为极显著下降、不变、显著下降的趋势;类黄酮、总酚含量先急剧下降后缓慢下降;花色素苷含量在盛花后30 d前后开始显著增加,采收时达到最高值。红绿色指标a值与花色素苷含量呈极显著正相关,与叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、类黄酮和总酚含量呈极显著负相关,黄蓝指标b值、综合色度指标h°值与各色素的相关性与a值相反。果皮的转色期为盛花后30 d前后,转色前果皮色泽由叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花色素苷、类黄酮和总酚共同决定,转色后花色素苷含量对果皮色泽起决定作用。
‘Nongke 2', a superior line of Heizhenzhu wax jambu, was used to determine the changes of pericarp color and pigment content at different developmental phase. The results showed that pericarp color was changed gradually from yellow-green to red with the ripening of the fruit. The content of chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B were declined gradually. The content change of carotenoid experienced 3 steps: high significantly decreased, unchanged, significantly decreased. The content of flavonoid and total phenol were decreased significantly at first and then decreased slowly. The anthocyanin content was increased significantly in about 30 DAFB, and got the maximum value at harvest. A value was highly positively correlated with the anthoeyanin, very significantly negatively correlated with chlorophyll, caroteniod, flavoniod and total phenol. The correlation of h~ value, B value and pericarp pigment content was opposite with the A value. The color-changed period of 'Nongke 2' was in about 30 DAFB. The pericarp color was decided by the content of chlorophyll, caroteniod, anthocyanin, flavoniod and total phenol before color changed; the anthocyanin content played a decisive role in the pericarp color after color changed.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops