Diaoyu Island oriented subsidiary island of Taiwan Island since ancient times,and did not have any relationship with the ancient Ryukyu at all.The data has been compelling evidence that the Japanese wanted to build several occasions symbols of possession of the islands after Meiji Reform,but the Qing government's pressure failed the implementation of it.In 1895,by Treaty of Shimonoseki,Japan secretly put the Islands into its territory.After the World War II,the 'Republic of China' Government had actively advocated the Ryukyu recovery and these included the Diaoyu Islands,and brought out the proposal of making North Akao of Diaoyu Islands to be the border of China and the Ryukyu Islands.Abetted by American Government,Philippine government raised objections leading Daoyu Island delimitation to the Ryukyu Island,and finally Diaoyu Island became part of the Ryukyu and hosted by United States at last.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)