The common volatile constituents in herbal pair(HP) Citrus Auruntium Fructus(CAF)-Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis(CMO) and its single herbs were comparison analyzed.Analysis of common volatile constituents in herbal pair(HP) and its single herbs was performed by the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) and alternative moving window factor analysis(AMWFA) and by mass spectrometry library combining retention indices for qualitative and to quantitative by adopting total volume in integral method.In total of 25,19 and 45 volatile chemical components in volatile oil of CAF,CMO and HP CAF-CMO were separately determined qualitatively,accounting for 95.78%,81.01% and 82.91% total contents of volatile oil of CAF,CMO and HP CAF-CMO,respectively.The results indicated that there were 25 common volatile constituents in HP CAF-CMO and single herb CAF,and 12 common volatile constituents in HP CAF-CMO and single herb CMO,and 5 common volatile constituents among these three systems.The experimental results also showed that the volatile chemical components in HP CAF-CMO were mainly from single herb CMO.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry