An attempt was made to use CB - peptides as new makers and to optimise the gel formulas and electrophoresis conditions for SDS -polyaerylamide gel electrophoresis to char^erise the acid -hydrolyzed gelatin, .alkali -hydmlyzed gelatin, pepsinhydrolyzed gelatin as well as pepsin- hydrolyzed pig skin collagen. The different components of rod - like collagen hydrolyses with molecular weight possibly ranging from I to 100 kDalton can be separated, displayed clearly in their electrophoresis scanned chromatograms and quantitatively characterised successfizlly. In a typical electrophoresls chroraatogram d pepsin hydrolyzed pig skin collagen, all the bands were dearly localised and their molecular weights orderly were shon to be dislributed between 1 and 100 kD after calibrating. All these are of important values foz the test of collagen hydrolyses.
The Science and Technology of Gelatin