
大中学衔接培养创新人才:问题与对策 被引量:14

Key Issues and Countermeasures of Creative Talents Cultivation Characterized by Transitional Education Preparing High School Students Better for University
摘要 调研发现,大学与中学的合作程度、师资力量以及高校招生政策是制约成效的三个关键因素。目前,这三个方面的实施情况均不理想,表现为大中学的合作不够深入、创新人才的培养师资存在困难、高考成为创新人才培养的"拦路虎"。为使大中学衔接培养创新人才取得成效,需联动大学、立足中学,推动大中学的深度合作;中学需借助大学力量培养自身的创新型师资队伍;高校招生政策需给予支持,建立创新人才培养上的大中学贯通机制。 Through the investigation on the current situation of the transitional education of creative talents from high school to university, we find that there are three key constraints to the cultivating effectiveness: the level of cooperation between high school and university, the faculty condition and the college recruitment policy. However, currently, these three elements are not in ideal conditions: the involvement of university is not enough, creativeness of high school teachers needs to improve and the implementation of creative education is constrained by the College Entrance Examination policy. For the effective transitional education of creative talents from high school to university, this study puts forward the following suggestions: (1) university needs to be involved deeply,and meanwhile high school needs to be the starting point of the reform, which can promote the deepening cooperation between high school and university together. (2) to cultivate high school creative faculty with the aid of university resources. (3) to give certain priority to creative talents cultivation in the reform of university recruitment policy and set up consistent cultivation mechanism of creative talents both in high schools and universities.
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第21期70-75,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 福建省教育改革试点项目"大中学衔接培养创新人才模式研究"的部分成果
关键词 大中学衔接培养创新人才 创新班 大中学合作 transitional education of creative talents preparing high school students better for university high school creative classes cooperation between high school and university
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