目的:通过N-亚硝基二乙胺(N-nitrosodiethylamine,DENA)诱导白化小鼠肝癌,研究金刚簒水乙醇提取物抗小鼠肝毒性的作用。方法:在给予实验小鼠口服50mg/kg的DENA两周前,先予150或400mg/kg金刚簒水乙醇提取物或浓度为0.5%或1%的丁基羟基茴香醚(butylated hydroxyanisole,BHA)连续灌胃。测定各组小鼠肝脏内细胞色素(cytochrome,Cyt)P450及b5,还原型谷胱甘肽 (reduced glutathione,GSH)、谷胱甘肽转移酶(glutathione-S-transferase,GST)以及肝组织天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(aspartate aminotransaminase,AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransaminase,ALT)、碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)活性及总胆固醇和蛋白质含量。结果:口服50mg/kg的DENA可显著降低CytP450、Cytb5以及GSH、GST的浓度(P<0.01),肝组织AST、ALT、ALP活性和总蛋白含量也显著降低(P<0.01),但总胆固醇含量显著增加。经150或400mg/kg金刚簒水乙醇提取物预处理14d的实验小鼠,其由DENA诱发的各项组织生化指标异常发生显著逆转(P<0.01)。结论:金刚簒水乙醇提取物可通过提高细胞抗氧化活性、减少自由基的生成来减少致癌物DENA造成的肝脏损伤。
OBJECTIVE: To scrutinize the protective role leaves (HEEN) against N-nitrosodiethylamine Swiss albino mice. of hydroethanolic extract of Euphorbia neriifolia (DENA)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in male METHODS. Experimental mice were pretreated with 150 and 400 mg/kg of HEEN, or 0.5% and 1% of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) as a standard for 14 d prior to the administration of a single close of 50 mg/kg of DENA. Levels of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes such as cytochrome (Cyt) P450 and Cyt b5, activities of reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), aspartate aminotransaminase (AST), alanine aminotransaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and total protein and cholesterol content in the liver tissues were measured to determine the hepatotoxicity caused by DENA. RESULTS: The levels of Cyt P450 and Cyt b5 were significantly increased, and GST and GSH were significantly depleted after DENA treatment (P.〈0.01). The activities of AST, ALT and ALP, and the total protein content were also significantly dropped off (P〈0.01). The total cholesterol level was markedly increased by DENA as compared with the normal group (P 0.01). However, the pre-supplementation of HEEN showed a remarkable amelioration of these abnormalities, and the levels of the antioxidant enzymes in the liver were significantly restored, which exhibited the dose-dependent protective effect against DENA-induced hepatotoxicity. CONCLUSION. HEEN exerts its chemopreventive effects by alleviating the xenbiotic enzymes and enhancing the levels of antioxidants and biochemical assays in DENA-induced carcinogenesis by reducing the formation of free radicals.
Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
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