
强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节炎MRI早期诊断 被引量:5

The MRI Early Diagnosis of Sacroiliitis for Ankylosing Spondylitis
摘要 目的分析强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者骶髂关节炎的MRI征象,提高对强直性脊柱炎患者的早期诊断水平。方法对37例68个骶髂关节符合1984年修订的纽约临床诊断标准(MNY)【1】AS患者行MRI检查者,分析其MRI征象。结果强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节炎的早期MRI征象包括:关节软骨不规则增粗、扭曲、信号改变,骨髓水肿,局灶性骨质侵蚀、缺损、中断、囊变。结论 MRI可提高早期强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者骶髂关节炎的诊断水平。 Objective To improve the early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis via analysis of sacroiliitis MRI signs of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients. Methods Via the MRI examination of 68 sacroiliac joints of 37 AS patients complying with New York clinical diagnostic criteria (MNY) 【1】 revised in 1984 and analysis of the MRI signs. Results The early sacroiliitis MRI signs of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients include: irregular thick- ening of articular cartilage, distortion, signal changes, bone marrow edema signal changes, and bone erosion, bone defect, bone interruption and bone cystic. Conclusions MRI can improve sacroiliitis diagnosis of early ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients.
作者 许秋霞
出处 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2012年第5期89-91,共3页 Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
关键词 磁共振成像 强直性脊柱炎 骶髂关节 关节炎 诊断 magnetic resonance imaging ankylosing spondylitis the sacroiliac joints arthritis diagnostic
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