目的 为建立颅面 CT三维重建影像计算机系统测量分析方法并探讨其准确性和可靠程度。方法 借助计算机图形图像学技术建立起颅面外科三维诊断分析和手术设计系统 ,应用所建系统方法和人类学测量方法对 7例正常完整干燥头颅标本的颅 -眶 -颧区立体结构进行了三维测量分析 ,并将两种测量方法及其结果进行了比较和统计学分析结果。结果 所创建的 CT影像测量方法不仅能够测量平面距离、角度 ,而且能够测量不同平面间的线距、特定解剖结构在三维空间中的面积和体积 ;两种测量方法的结果具有良好的趋同一致性 ;三维 CT测量分析方法准确性和精密度高 ,线距测量项目中平均误差最大仅 1.12 mm(3.14% ) ,角度、面积和体积测量数据平均误差分别为 0 .94°(2 .0 4% )、0 .5 6 cm2 (4.48% )和 0 .92 cm3(3.32 % )。结论 三维 CT影像能够真实的反映颅面三维解剖形态 ,三维 CT测量分析能够定点、准确地描述颅面三维结构特征 ,可作为颅面整形外科。
Objective In an attempt to establish a computerized measuring method of craniofacial three dimensional CT images analyze the precision and accuracy of the novel method, the computer aided three dimensional diagnosis/design system for craniofacial surgery was set up.Methods The computer aided three dimensional CT image measurement and anthropological measurement were carried out on 7 samples of adult skull. The comparative analysis between two kinds of measuring methods was conducted. Result The results showed that: the computerized measuring method of CT images not only can measure 2 D distances and angles, but also can measure the areas and volumes of 3 D craniofacial anatomic structures; the measuring method of 3 D CT image is accuracy and precise; there were no any statistics differences between matching pairs of eleven measurement items of t methods ( P >0.05). The maximum value of average error of distance measuring items is 1.12mm(3.14%). The average errors of angle, area, and volume measuring items were 0.94(2.04%), 0.56cm(4.48%), and 0.92cm( 3.32% ), respectively.Conclusion The three dimensional CT image can vividly reveal the actual craniofacial three dimensional structures. The established computerized measuring method of 3 D CT image can describe the craniofacial 3 D structures quantitatively and accurately. It can serve as a objective research and diagnosis method for craniofacial plastic surgery as well as medical aesthetics.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Three dimensional CT image
Computer aided
Craniofacial anatomic structure