
抗坏血酸产生呋喃的基础研究模型的建立 被引量:3

Analysis of furan formation in ascorbic acid model system
摘要 通过建立抗坏血酸基础研究模型,利用顶空气相色谱-质谱法检测其生成的呋喃,研究了pH、加热温度及加热时间对抗坏血酸生成呋喃的影响。结果发现,抗坏血酸能产生呋喃,pH、加热温度及加热时间在抗坏血酸形成呋喃的过程中均起到非常重要的作用。加热温度不超过90℃,抗坏血酸几乎不产生呋喃,pH对抗坏血酸产生呋喃几乎没有什么影响,但加热温度超过90℃,pH对其产生呋喃就有明显不同的作用;而且,在热加工过程中,抗坏血酸在酸性条件下产生的呋喃含量最高,在碱性体系下生成的呋喃含量最低。另外,加热时间越长,抗坏血酸产生的呋喃的量就会越多。这些结果为实际食品生产中减少呋喃产生提供了重要的理论依据。 The aim of this study was to use HS-GC-MS to quantify the furan levels in ascorbic acid model reaction samples after heat processing and investigate the effect of pH,temperature and heating time on furan formation. The result showed that pH,temperature and heating time affected profoundly furan formation from ascorbic acid model system due to thermal processing. For ascorbic acid,pH affected the formation of furan only when the temperature was higher than 90℃. Bes model solution was higher than the other solutions,whi des,during heating process,the furan amount of acidic e the formation of furan was the hardest in alkaline pH. In addition,the amounts of furan were noticed to enhance with the increasing of heating time in the ascorbic acid model system. Thus,this present study could be regarded as an important research basis for reducing furan formed in actual food production.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第20期145-147,共3页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金(30960242) 973计划(2012CB720805)资助项目
关键词 呋喃 抗坏血酸模型 PH 加热温度 加热时间 顶空气相色谱-质谱法 furan sugar model systems pH heating temperature heating time HS-GC-MS
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