
热加工食品中呋喃形成机制、动力学及减控方法研究进展 被引量:5

A Review on Furan Formation Mechanism,Dynamics and Mitigation Strategies in Heat-Processed Foods
摘要 呋喃是热加工食品中普遍存在的一类物质,国际癌症研究机构将其归类为"2B"组致癌物质,会损伤肝、肾等器官的功能,研究食品中呋喃形成机制及消减技术成为食品安全的热点课题之一。文章简要介绍了呋喃的理化性质、危害评价,综述了热加工食品中呋喃形成机制、不同食品模拟体系构建及呋喃形成动力学模型、呋喃的消减技术方法,基于我国特色食品配方及加工工艺,提出了减少中式热加工食品中呋喃形成的措施、降低其危害的建议。 Furans are commonly found in heat-processed foods,which were classified as "2B" carcinogens to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer,and could damage the body’s liver,kidney,therefore,the formation mechanism and mitigation strategies of furan in food has become one of the hot topics in food safety.The physicochemical properties,toxicity and risk assessment of furan are briefly introduced.The formation mechanism,dynamics model,different food simulation systems construction and mitigation strategies of furan in heat-processed food were reviewed.Based on the characteristics of China food formulation and technology,this article also put forward some suggestions on mitigation of furan in food and reducing the risk of furan to human.
作者 郝雅茹 闫苍 李书国 HAO Yaru;YAN Cang;LI Shuguo(Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang 050018,China)
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期69-75,共7页 Food Science and Technology
基金 河北省科技支撑计划项目(19227112D)。
关键词 呋喃 形成机制 食品模拟体系 动力学 热加工食品 食品安全控制 furan formation mechanism food simulation system dynamics heat-processed food food safety control
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