针对某四缸直喷式增压中冷柴油机,运用AVL BOOST软件,建立了柴油机工作过程模型。通过模拟计算,对性能曲线进行了比较和分析。得出在不同转速下,不同配气相位对柴油机功率、排温及油耗的影响规律,确定了柴油机最佳配气相位。
The working process model of the a DI A series of performance curves have been gained Diesel engine has been set up by using the BOOST soItware. by simulating and calculating the working process of the Diesel. The performance curves are analysed and compared. And the influence rule of the different cam phase to the power, exhaust gas temperature and fuel consumption are gained. Then the optimal cam phase is obtained.
Science Technology and Engineering