目的:探讨不同主体情绪状态下,个体对情绪图片加工的眼动特点。方法:选取35名大学生为被试,采用2(主体情绪状态:积极、消极)×2(图片情绪模式:积极、消极)的两因素被试内设计。通过情绪视频诱发被试的积极和消极情绪,使用ASL504型眼动仪记录被试观看不同情绪图片(积极、消极各4张,选自中国情绪图片系统)的眼动情况,眼动分析指标包括总注视时间、平均注视时间、注视次数、瞳孔直径、凝视次数。结果:被试在积极情绪比消极情绪时的平均注视时间长[(0.51±0.13)s vs.(0.46±0.11)s;P<0.01]、瞳孔直径小[(4.7±0.8)mm vs.(5.2±0.9)mm;P<0.001]、注视次数少[(27.3±6.2)vs.(30.0±8.0),P<0.05],观看积极图片较消极图片的总注视时间长[(14.7±3.1)s vs.(12.5±3.9)s;P<0.01],平均注视时间长[(0.51±0.14)s vs.(0.46±0.10)s;P<0.01],凝视次数多[(844.4±114.1)vs.(806.9±207.6);P<0.001],瞳孔直径小[(4.4±0.6)mmvs.(5.4±0.8)mm;P<0.001]。在瞳孔直径、总注视时间、凝视次数三个指标上,主体情绪状态和图片情绪模式对图片信息加工产生交互影响。结论:个体处于积极和消极情绪状态下观看情绪图片的眼动模式不同,且主体情绪状态与图片情绪模式对图片加工具有协同作用,这在眼动指标上得到了表达。
Objective: To explore the eye movement characteristics in individuals affective picture processing in different emotional states. Methods: Totally 35 college students participated in this study. The experiment were conducted by 2 (positive and negative emotion state of subjects) x 2 (positive and negative pictures of emotional mode) within-subject designs. Mood induction procedures was applied to induce subjects' mood state, and the ASL504 Eye Tracking system was used to assess their affective picture processing (8 pictures including 4 positive pictures and 4 negative pictures were selected from the Chinese Affective Picture System). The eye movement indices included total fixation duration, average fixation duration, number of fixations, pupil diameter, and number of gaze points. Results: Subjects had longer average fixation duration [ (0. 51 ± 0. 13) s vs. (0. 46 ± 0. 11 )], smaller pupil diameter [(4. 7 ±0. 8) mm vs. (5.2 ±0. 9) mm] and less fixation times [(27.3 ±6.2) vs. (30. 0 ±8.0)] in positive emotion state than in negative emotion state (PS 〈 0. 05). They had longer total fixation duration [ (14. 7 ±3.1 ) s vs. ( 12. 5 ± 3.9) s], larger number of gaze points [ ( 844.4 ± 114. 1 ) vs. ( 806. 9 ± 207.6) ], longer average fixation duration [(0. 51 ±0. 14) s vs. (0. 46 ±0. 10) s], and smaller pupil diameter [(4.4 ±0. 6) mm vs. (5.4 ± 0. 8) mm] for positive pictures than negative pictures (Ps 〈0. 01). There were interaction effects in the pupil diameter ( F = 99. 33, P 〈 0. 001 ), total fixation duration ( F = 7.02, P 〈 0. 05), and the number of gaze points ( F = 5.95, P 〈 0. 05) between emotion condition and material emotion pattern. Conclusinn: The individuals have different eye movement characters of processing affective picture in positive and negative emotional states. There is synergy effect on picture processing from one's state of mind and picture emotional mode, which could be re
Chinese Mental Health Journal
positive emotion
negative emotion
picture processing
eye movement