通过2个实验,研究了焦虑情绪和暂时启动情绪状态下被试的记忆信息的处理。实验一,选取1 0 0名大学生,研究高焦虑、中焦虑和低焦虑状态下的记忆操作,结果发现,焦虑情绪的水平与积极词语的记忆呈负相关,与消极和中性词语的相关不显著。实验二,选取86名大学生,随机将他们分成愉快启动组、悲伤启动组和对照组,研究启动情绪状态的记忆操作,结果表明,在启动的愉快和悲伤情绪状态,被试对不同类型的词语的记忆没有显著差异。但是2个实验都表明,人们对积极词语和中性词语的记忆数量都显著大于对消极词语的记忆。
This is a study of the memory operation of people in th e state of anxiety and primi ng emotion through 2 experiments. Experiment One studied with 100 undergraduates as the subjets the working of memory in 3 anxious states, high, middle and low. We discovered that the level of anxiety negatively related to the memor y number of the positive phrases, but the correlation between it and neutral and negative phrases was not obvious. Experiment Two, with 86 undergraduates divided into 3 groups (two of them being the experimental, one being the control), studied the memory working in priming emotion. The results were that the dif fer ence of memory number of positive or neutral or negative phrases among the 3 gr oups( sa d, happy and control) was not obvious. But both experiments indicated that people' m emory number of positive and neutral phrases was greater than the number of n egative phrases.
Journal of Psychological Science