
欧盟能源供给安全:现状分析和前景展望 被引量:2

The EU’s Energy Supply: Situation and Prospect
摘要 作为世界能源消费大国,欧盟十分重视其能源供给安全。本文对欧盟能源供给当前存在的问题进行了分析,发现欧盟当前能源对外依存度很高且呈上升趋势、进口来源集中在少数国家。造成欧盟能源对外依存度很高的原因在于欧盟本土化石能源枯竭以及本土非化石能源开发力度不足。因此,欧盟在未来很长一段时间内仍然要保持较高的能源对外依存度,但欧盟采取的能源供给来源多样化、完善的能源战略储备等措施可以使欧盟在一定程度上减轻能源供给受制于人的局面,进一步提高能源供给安全。 As a large energy consumer market, the European Union attaches great importance to its energy supply secu- rity. This paper analyzes the situation of EU energy sources and indicates that the EU energy supply is becoming increasingly dependent on other countries and has only a few countries as its energy importers. This is because of its local fossil energy exhaustion and limited development of non-fossil energy. So the EU would remain for a long time highly reliant on other coun- tries for energy. However, the diversified effective energy strategies the EU has adopted would improve the situation about its energy supply security.
机构地区 广东金融学院
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2012年第4期27-32,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东省科技计划项目"广东省能源可持续发展战略研究:基于欧盟能源政策比较视野"(2011B080701044) 广东省科技厅科技计划项目<广东"双转移"战略下产业结构优化与区域金融服务支持>(2010B080701029)的研究成果
关键词 欧盟 能源 供给安全 European Union energy security of supply
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