目的掌握青岛市住区蚊类种群构成、地理分布及携带病原情况,为指导蚊虫及蚊媒病的防治提供科学依据。方法采用CO2灯诱法、帐诱法采集不同环境成蚊;采集不同水体幼虫带回实验室饲养,待孵化成蚊后鉴定;蚊虫标本研磨处理后,采用细胞培养方法分离病毒,RT-PCR方法检测病毒核酸。结果青岛市住区蚊类种群构成(2007年CO2灯诱法)淡色库蚊、三带喙库蚊和白纹伊蚊为优势种群,分别占捕蚊总数的83%、13.44%和0.77%;东乡伊蚊占1.18%,主要分布于青岛沿海的石穴中;朝鲜伊蚊占0.07%,主要分布于崂山风景区;中华按蚊和刺扰伊蚊分别占1.38%和0.16%,主要分布于农村。青岛市蚊类5月份入笼,7月下旬、8、9月份达高峰,11月下旬笼诱不到。2006、2007、2008年共采集8 100只蚊虫,未分离到乙脑病毒和登革热病毒,乙脑病毒核酸检测均为阴性;但有3份(QD-2、QD-3、QD-9)蚊虫标本产生特异性细胞病变,怀疑为其他黄病毒。结论青岛市近年不大可能发生乙型脑炎和登革热疾病的流行;但宜于7-9月份加强蚊类防治工作,市民到海边、崂山景区游玩或到海边钓鱼时注意防伊蚊叮咬。
Objective To observe the constitution, distribution and pathogeny of mosquitoes and provide basis information for its control. Methods Collecting adult mosquitoes from different environment using carbon dioxide method,curtain tempt method;collecting larva to raise in the lab, identifying them after hatching;separating virus u- sing cell culture, detecting virus nucleic acid using RT - PCR method. Results The dominate population of mos- quitoes in Qingdao was Culex pipiens pallens, Culex tritaeniorhynehus and Aedes albopictus, the percent was 83% , 13.44% and 0.77% respectively. The percent of Aedes togoi was 1.18% ,it can develop in accumulated water in the rocks on the seashore in Qingdao. The percent of Aedes koreicus was 0.07% , it can develope in Laoshan beauty spot. The per- cent of Anopheles sinensis and Aedes vexans were 1.38% and 0. 16% ,it can develop in country. The mosquitoes in Qingdao entered in May, reached the peak in the last ten-day of July, August and September , died away in the last ten-day of November. We did not detach virus of epidemic encephalitis B and singapore hemorrhagic fever from 8 100 mosquitoes, the deteetion of nucleie acid was negative. However, three samples ( QD - 2, QD - 3, QD - 9) had special cell change,they were other Flavivirus. Conclusion Qingdao city is not a popular area of encephalitis B and dengue fever, a good effect on mosquitoes control is from July to September. We should pay attention to the sting of Aedes when go fishing,playing near the seaside or the Laoshan beauty spot.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
dominant species
control effect