对野败型不育系珍汕 97A、保持系珍汕 97B、恢复系IR2 4、IR2 6、泰引 1号、明恢 63、红莲型不育系红源A、包台型不育系包源A、光敏核不育系农垦 58s、温敏核不育系W61 54s等 1 0个水稻材料的幼穗在不同的培养基上培养、再生植株及对其后代进行育性鉴定 ,探讨了体细胞无性系变异中雄性不育突变发生的机率以及影响离体筛选雄性不育变异体的因素 ,结果表明 :在 5个材料 (珍汕 97B、红源A、包源A、W61 54s和IR2 6)中共获得了 2 9例雄性不育变异株 ,其中R1 代有 2 4株 ,R2 代有 5株。在R1 代 ,共获得2 368株再生植株 ,雄性不育变异的频率为 1 .0 2 % ( 0 .96%~ 1 .0 8% )。在珍汕 97B和泰引 1号R2 代各发现一个株系分离出雄性不育和育性正常植株。出现不育株系的频率分别为 2 .2 2 %和 1 .89%。水稻花粉败育类型可分为无花粉、典败、圆败和染败 4种类型。同时 ,还发现了不育花粉败育类型之间可以相互转换这一现象 ,在IR2 6和明恢 63R1 代再生植株中 ,各发现一株嵌合体。在泰引 1号和珍汕 97BR2 代再生植株中分离出不育株。在影响离体筛选雄性不育变异体的因素中 ,基因型的差异是主要的 ,在所试 1 0个材料中 ,除农垦 58s、IR2 4、泰引 1号和珍汕 97A ,都有雄性不育变异株产生。
Young panicles from ten rice materials, Zhenshan 97A (WA type cytoplasmic male_s terile (CMS) line, indica), Zhenshan 97B (WA type maintainer line, indica ), IR24, IR26, Taiyin 1, Minghui 63 (WA type restorer line, indica), Hong yuan A (HL type CMS line,indica), Baoyuan A (BT type CMS line, indica), Nongken 58s (photoperiod_sensitive genic male_sterile rice (PGMR), japonica) and W6154s (thermosensitive genic male_sterile rice (TGMR), indica), were cultured on different media. Regenerated plants were obtained. Pollen fertility was exami ned. Male sterile variation frequency and factors influencing the in vitro s creening of male_sterile variants are discussed. The main results are as foll ows: 29 cases of male_sterile variants in five rice materials, Zhenshan 97B, Hongyua n A, Baoyuan A, W6154s and IR26, were found, in which 24 cases belonged to R 1 generation (regenerated plants from rice somaclones), and five to R 2 generatio n (plants from first self_pollination, viz. progeny obtained by self_fertilizing the regenerated plants). 2?368 regenerated plants were obtained in R 1 gener ation, the male_sterile variation frequency was 1.02%(0.96~1.08%). Male_ste rile variants were found in Zhenshan 97B and Taiyin 1 in R 2 generation,and the ave rage male_sterile variation frequency in Zhenshan 97B and Taiyin 1 was 2.22% and 1.89% respectively. Abortive pollen of rice could be classified into four type s: pollen-free type (PFT), typical-abortion type (TAT), spherical-abortion ty pe (SpAT) and stained-abortion type (StAT). The phenomenon that the type of pol len abor tion could change from one to another through tissue culture was found in rice s omaclones in R 1 generation. One chimera was obtained from R 1 regenerated pla nts of IR26 and Minghui 63 respectively. Fertility segregation was found in R 2 generation of Taiyin 1 and Zhenshan 97B. Genotype was the main factor in the course of inducing male_sterile variants. Male_sterile variation was found in all rice materials except Nongken 58s, IR24
Chinese Bulletin of Botany
广东省自然科学基金博士后启动项目!(编号 :994 487)资助
中国科学院华南植物所所长基金!(编号 :1 0_96_60 )资助
Oryza sativa L., Young panicle culture, Fertility variation,Genotype,Explant