[Objective]To understand the knowledge levels of drinking water among 18-60 years aged adults in Beijing City,and provide evidence for its health education.[Methods]A total of 401 urban and rural 18-60-year aged adults from Xicheng District and Huairou District of Beijing City were selected by using multiple-stage random sampling method.The information was collected by face-to-face interview.[Results]The unawareness rate of the daily minimum amount of drinking water was 28.9%,Huairou District respondents(40.3%) was significantly higher than Xicheng District(17.5%),female(34.3%) higher than male(23.5%),people of below secondary school education(37.3%) higher than the people of high school and higher education(17.5%),the differences were statistically significant(urban and rural area:χ2=25.3,P0.01 gender:χ2=5.7,P0.05;education level:χ2=5.1,P0.05).The awareness rate of the harm of dehydration was 10.0%,male(13.5%) higher than female(6.5%),people of below secondary school education(19.1%) higher than the people of the high school and higher education(6.5%),the differences were statistically significant(gender:χ2=5.5,P0.05,education level:χ2=14.02,P0.01).The people who considered drinking water when they felt thirsty as healthy behavior accounted for 39.4%,Huairou District(46.0%) higher than Xicheng District(32.8%),the differences were statistically significant,(χ2=7.3,P0.01),14.2% don't know that water drinking before breakfast in morning was most conducive to health,Huairou District(18.9%) higher than Xicheng District(9.5%),people of below secondary school education(21.8%) higher than the people of the high school and higher education(11.3%),male(18.5%) higher than female(10.0%),differences were statistically significant,(urban and rural area:χ2=7.3,P0.01;gender:χ2=6.0,P0.05;educational level:χ2=7.2,P0.05).The unawareness rate of plain water being the best accounted for 16.2%,while 84.6% of them conside
Occupation and Health
Drinking water
Health education