

On Derrida's Theory of Deconstructive Civilization
摘要 面对异化的理性所带来的文明发展危机,德里达以解构的视野与策略,从"文本"研究的词源学入手,不断延宕向哲学、政治学和伦理学,进而引入对文明的忧思与救赎,开创了文明论研究的新领域和文明救赎的新模式:解构主义文明论。这种文明论以颠覆传统的"在场的形而上学"为突破口,从而解构工具化理性文明的前提与内基。解构不是摧毁,而是一种策略,一种承诺,解构主义文明论在解构传统形而上学后蕴含着文明和谐发展的理论旨归与价值诉求。 Faced to the civilization development crisis caused by alienated rationality, Derrida created the theory of deconstructive civilization, a new field of civilization research and new model of civilization salvation, by taking deconstruction as a vision and strategy, starting from the etymology of "text" research, extending to philosophy, politics and ethics, and then bringing in the concern about the salvation of civilization. This kind of civilization takes subverting the traditional "metaphysics of presence" as a breakthrough, and then decon- structs the precondition and bases of instrumental rationality civilization. Deconstruction is not destruction, but a strategy and commitment. The theory of deconstructive civilization contains the theory purport and Value appeal of the harmonious developments of civilization after deconstructing the traditional metaphysics.
作者 郭强 杨恒生
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期41-45,共5页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 文明危机 德里达 文明批判 解构主义文明论 civilization crisis Derrida civilization criticism the theory of deconstructive civilization
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