
切断Arantius韧带暴露左肝静脉背侧43例体会 被引量:2

Arantius ligament approach to left hepatic vein in partial hepatectomy., experience in 43 patients
摘要 目的探讨左肝静脉背侧游离的手术方法。方法在33例尸肝Arantius导管解剖基础上,切断43例患者的Arantius韧带,显露左肝静脉背侧壁并肝外切断左肝静脉。结果43例左肝静脉背侧均被显露并成功切断,术后顺利恢复。结论切断Arantius韧带是显露左肝静脉背侧壁并肝外切断左肝静脉的稳妥方法之一。 Objective To investigate the maneuver of dividing Arantius duet to expose the pos- terior of left hepatic vein. Methods Based on the anatomy of Arantius duct on 33 cadavers, exposure of posterior of left hepatic vein was carried out in 43 patients by dividing the Arantius ligament. Results The posterior of left hepatic vein was dissected to expose the left hepatic vein in 43 patients. The operations and the recovery of the patients were smooth and uneventful. Conclusion Cutting the Arantius ligament allows safe exposure and extrahepatic division of left hepatic vein.
出处 《中华肝胆外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期589-591,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
关键词 Arantius导管 左肝静脉 肝切除 Arantius duct Left hepatic vein Hepatectomy
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