The epidemic of leprosy has been controlled effectively in Jiangsu Province at the end of 20 th century. The national strategy for leprosy control has been changed from prevention and treatment to elimination harm of leprosy(EHL)since 2011 and the national programming for EHL from 2011 to 2020 was issued in 2011. In recent years, EHL has been explored and practiced in advance in Jiangsu province, which made a actively progress and accumulated experience for nation. Measures for EHL mainly include offering guarantees of policy and fund, increasing new cases finding, improving quality of leprosy control, enhancing construction of team and its capability, pushing the course of integration, trying for support of society and so on. The author considers that EHL should be held key technical tachs which contains government performing commitment, cases finding, cases management, cases prevention of disability and service from society as well.
Chinese Primary Health Care