
镇雄县130例现存麻风患者现状调查 被引量:1

Investigation on 130 Existing Cases of Leprosy in Zhenxiong County
摘要 目的全面掌握镇雄县麻风病疫情和患者现状,做好麻风病例的早发现、早治疗,落实好对他们的关爱救助,为政府提供科学的决策依据。方法根据镇雄县(1953—2015年)累计报告麻风病疫情资料,对现存活的麻风患者、疑似线索患者及其家庭密切接触者进行入户逐一核实调查。结果 62年来累计发现报告管理的麻风患者703例,现存活130例,46例留下不同程度的畸残,有现症患者11例;2015年发病率1.26/100万;麻风患者居住环境、生活条件差;少部分群众对麻风病仍有恐惧和歧视;现存麻风病(含康复者)享受国家优惠政策,参加新农合、享受农村低保、办理残疾证。结论镇雄县麻风病疫情依然存在,发病率显著下降,现存活的麻风患者,以上世纪50、60年代发病居多,以男性为主,60岁以上的老年麻风患者畸残率高,原麻风患者及子女读书困难,孙辈就读明显改善,少数群众对麻风患者的恐惧和歧视依然存在,政府对麻风患者的关爱救助得到落实,消除麻风行动计划在开展。 Objective To have thorough understanding of leprosy epidemic situation and current patient condition, make early detection, early treatment of leprosy cases, implement the care and assistance, and provide evidence of scientific decision for government. Methods Household surveys for the survivals of leprosy, suspected patients and close contactors with their families were conducted based on the accumulative information of leprosy epidemic reported by centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Zhenxiong County from 1953 to 2015. Results There were 703 leprosy patients, 130 survived, 46 with different degrees of disability, 11 with present symptoms according to the findings of accumulative reports in the past 62 years, the incidence rate being 1.26/1 million in 2015. Poor living environment and living condition of leprosy patients, fear and discriminate for few masses against leprosy were still found. The existing leprosy (including convalescent patients)enjoyed the national preferential policy, participated in the new rural cooperative medical system, enjoyed the rural minimum living guarantee, and the disability certificate being issued. Conclusion The leprosy epidemic situation still exists in Zhenxiong County, but the incidence of leprosy patients has significantly decreased, with predominantly first attack in last 50 and 60 s for existing patients, more in male and higher disability in patients over 60 years. The under education for leprosy patients and their children has improved for grandchildren, but the fear and discrimination against leprosy still exist. The government support for leprosy patients and leprosy elimination plan are also underway.
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2017年第11期3-5,共3页 China Health Standard Management
基金 基金项目:云南省镇雄县2015年度"镇雄名医"培养工程
关键词 现存 麻风病例 调查 existing leprosy cases investigation
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