随着社会主义市场经济的发展 ,林业产业结构和产品结构的调整 ,人才市场对林业人才需求逐步走向多元化 ,且林业新科技革命对林业人才素质提出了新的要求。但现行林业院校专业设置、实践教学环节和师资的结构都与林业市场经济发展要求相脱节。要培养适应市场经济发展的林业人才 ,林业院校首先必须建立适应素质教育要求的教师和管理队伍 ;其次 ,要以社会需求为导向 ,开展素质教育 ;第三 ,要创造培养创新人才的环境 ;第四 ,建立以市场需求为导向的专业调整机制和教学体系。
As the development of the socialism market economy and the structural adjustment of the forestry and products,forestry talent needed by the market is diversify and new qualities are required by the new revolution of forestry science and technology. But major setting in forestry universities and colleges. Practical teaching procedures and teacher's knowledge structure can not come up with the development of the market,To cultivate talent adapting to the market,firstly the forestry universities and colleges should build up the team of teachers and leaders adapting to the requirement of quality education. Secondly,they should create the climate of cultivating innovational talent. Thirdly,quality education should be developed to meet the market. Fourthly,major adjustment mechanism and teaching system should also be built according to the market.
Issues of Forestry Economics