
冷战后美国的南海政策及其对中美关系的影响 被引量:8

America's South China Sea Policy in the Post-Cold War and Its Influence on Sino-U.S. Relations
摘要 2009年7月,美国在第16届东盟地区论坛上签署了《东南亚友好合作条约》,并宣布"重返"东南亚。以此为标志,美国南海政策出现了冷战后的第二次调整,由介入向深度介入发展。美国这一政策立场的转变固然与其在南海地区的重要商业利益有关,但在根本上由美国对华政策决定,是美国对华"遏制"政策的延续和体现。从中美双边关系的角度来看,南海问题不仅成为研判中美关系现状和发展趋势的重要变量,更折射出长期以来中美双边关系中战略互疑的一面。 In July 2009 the United States signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia at the 16th ARF and declared its back to Southeast Asia.For this sign,the second adjustment of America's South China Sea Policy in the Post-Cold War gradually has been taken into practice,converting it from involvement into deep involvement.Indeed,this adjustment of the policy is bound up with the concerning economic interests in South China Sea of the United States,even more is to start from consideration of America's policy on China,which continues to contain towards China.Seen from Sino-U.S relations,the South China Sea issue has been an important variable,which not only values the current situation and development tendency of Sino-U.S relations,but also reflects long-standing mutual strategic distrust between the United States and China.
作者 葛红亮
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2012年第2期16-21,92,共6页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
基金 教育部人文社科规划研究项目"南海周边国家与地区南海政策与中国南海维权"(项目编号:11YJAGJW008) 广东省普通高校人文社科重大攻关项目"南海开发与广东省海洋经济建设研究"(项目编号:10ZGXM84002)阶段性成果
关键词 美国 南海问题 中美关系 The United States South China Sea issues the Sino-U.S.Relations
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