
美国“再平衡”战略对中国海上领土争端的影响 被引量:7

The Impacts of America's Rebalancing Strategy on China's Maritime Territorial Disputes
摘要 为了应对中国实力增长、亚太地区重要性增加等挑战,维护美国在亚太地区乃至世界的地位和影响,美国奥巴马政府推行"再平衡"战略,以增加和改进其在亚太地区的投入和存在。而涉及中国的南海和东海领土争端对地区稳定与安全有重要影响,既是"再平衡"战略提出的背景,也是该战略需要加以应对的挑战,且其中一些争端国与美国存在同盟关系。因此,"再平衡"战略必将对这些领土争端产生重要影响。美国影响和介入的增加,将使中国面临更多的外交压力和牵制,减少中国在博弈中的优势,且可能会鼓励其他争端国采取冒险性的机会主义做法,并使争端复杂化、甚至激化。而且,美国日益增多的军事存在,也增加了中美发生直接摩擦或冲突的风险。不过,在一定程度上,美国的关注和介入也可能会有助于增加对争端和相关国家行为的管控。 In response to challenges posed by China's growing influence and the increasing importance of the Asia Pacific Region,to maintain America's leading position and influence in the region and on the global stage,Obama Administration initiated rebalancing strategy.The strategy is intended to bolster and improve American presence and influence in the Asia Pacific region.With respect to China's territorial disputes in the South China Sea and East Seas,the strategy has significant implications,especially considering some claimant states of the maritime disputes are close alliances of the United States.As U.S.involvement in the disputes and the presence in the region increases,the disputes and relations between China and the other states will be much complicated and China will face greater diplomatic pressure;the strategy will to some extent offset the advantages gained byChina with its increasing capability and may even prompt the other claimant states to adopt risky and opportunist behaviors,further complicating and even exacerbating the disputes and China's external environment.At the same time,America's growing military presence increases the risk of the direct confrontation and conflicts between U.S.and China.However,to some extent,American strategic attention to the disputes and the region and its continuous presence also can help to curbing some risky behaviors of relevant states and escalation of the disputes.
作者 王伟光 陈遥
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期75-99,156-157,共25页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"中 美与东盟三边关系研究(1967~2013)"(项目号:20720151020) 厦门大学校长2015年专项基金资助(项目号:20720151158)的资助
关键词 “再平衡” 南海领土争端 钓鱼岛 中美关系 Rebalancing South China Seas Territorial Disputes Diaoyu Islands Sino-U.S.Relations
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