
中国汽车企业的软实力测评和提升——来自上汽集团的案例 被引量:12

Research on Soft Power Evaluation and Promotion of Chinese Automobile Enterprise——From SAIC Case
摘要 "软实力"已被认为是与"硬实力"相对应的企业竞争力基础。随着后危机时代的到来,中国企业普遍面临着战略转型和国际化压力,"软实力"在竞争力中的基础地位愈发重要和持久。本文运用文献分析和逻辑推演方法,梳理中国汽车企业软实力构成要素;运用FAHP和模糊综合评价法建立汽车企业的软实力综合评价模型;运用案例研究方法测评和分析中国汽车企业典型代表——上汽集团的软实力,研究其软实力结构上存在的问题及原因,并提出培育和提升软实力的路径。研究结论对中国汽车企业的软实力测评和提升提供了科学依据,为类似对外方技术具有依赖性的中外合资企业提升软实力提供了理论指导。 The "soft power" has been found to be associated with "hard power" corresponding to the base of enterprises competitiveness. With the post crisis era, Chinese enterprises generally face strategic transition and internationalization pressure, "soft power" in the competitive position is becoming more important and lasting. In this paper, the literature analysis and logical deduction methods were used to comb the soft power elements of Chinese automobile enterprise. FAHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method were used to build soft power comprehensive evaluation model. Case study was used to evaluate and analysis the soft power of SAIC, as the representative of Chinese automobile enterprises. This paper found the reasons for the problems of SAIC soft power, then put forward the soft power cultivation and promotion path. Research results could provide a scientific basis for soft power evaluation and promotion of Chinese automobile enterprises, and provide the theoretical guidance on soft power of Sino-foreign joint ventures depended on foreign technology for a long time.
作者 王丹 王玉
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期133-146,共14页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"转型背景下中国企业集团成长模式研究"(批准号11CGL049) 上海市哲学社会科学基金青年项目"转型背景下上海大型制造企业服务化的路径和措施研究"(批准号2010EJB009) 上海汽车工业教育基金会课题"上汽在建设成为世界500强国际化公司进程中软实力培育提升研究"(批准号2010ZCYJ07-A)
关键词 软实力 测评 提升 soft power evaluation promotion
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