目的运用空间自相关分析探究疾病空间分布的热点区域,为疾病的防治提供科学依据。方法将ArcGIS 9.3软件作为数据管理和分析平台,利用软件空间统计模块进行全局空间自相关分析和热点分析,综合反映疾病空间分布特征。结果 2010年聊城市手足口病发病率存在热点区域。全局空间自相关Moran's I=0.69,u=11.46,P<0.01;广义G统计量G=0.01,u(G)=9.51,P<0.01。利用局部G统计量得出疾病分布聚集性,热点区域主要集中在东昌府区和高唐县。结论在空间统计中,利用空间自相关分析可以有效探究研究区域内的热点区域。
Objective To explore the 'hot spot' regions of disease spatial distribution based on spatial autocorrelation analysis,so as to provide evidence for disease control and prevention.Methods ArcGIS9.3 was used for data management and analysis,applying global spatial autocorrelation analysis and 'hot spot' analysis to reflect characters of the disease spatial distribution based on spatial statistical section.Results The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in 2010 was clustered in Liaocheng City.The global spatial autocorrelation Moran′s I index=0.69,u=11.46,and P0.01.Under the generalized G statistics,the G index=0.01,u(G) score=9.51,and P0.01.Local G statistics revealed high clustering of disease distribution in the Dongchangfu district and Gaotang county.Conclusion In spatial statistics,spatial autocorrelation analysis could effectively detect the 'hot spot' regions.
Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences