介绍了印尼INDRAMAYU电站330 MW机组50%及100%负荷下的快速甩负荷(FCB)试验,结果表明,机组在没有任何手动干预的情况下实现了FCB功能。对试验过程中出现的旁路阀后温度高关闭旁路阀、主蒸汽温度下降过多等问题进行了分析,提出了将旁路阀后温度高关闭压旁路阀控制指令加入6s延时、保留2台中层磨煤机和1台上层磨煤机运行等解决方案。
The Fast Cut Back (FCB) test carried on 330 MW unit in Indramaya Power Plant of Indonesia under 50% load and 100% load condition has been presented. The result of test shows that the unit can realize the FCB function without any manual involvement. The problems appeared in the process of test, such as the bypass was closed due to high - temperature behind the bypass valve, and the temperature of main steam was excessively reduced etc. , have been analysed and a solving shceme being put forward,i, e. adding a 6 s time delay signal to the HP bypass closing command resulting from high - temperature behind the HP bypass valve,and retaining two mid - level coal pulverizers and one upper - level coal pulverizer in operation.
Thermal Power Generation