背景:干细胞移植治疗肝病是近年来众多学者研究的热点,干细胞移植的基本理论和临床应用研究都取得了很大的进展。目的:对干细胞移植的理论依据、干细胞来源、移植方式、实验与临床研究、存在问题及前景进行简要综述。方法:应用计算机检索中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Pubmed数据库中2001-01/2011-11关于干细胞移植治疗肝病的文章,检索主题词"干细胞,移植,肝脏疾病,肝损伤"或"stem cell,transplantation,hepatic disease,hepatic injury"。初检索到192篇文献,据纳入标准保留31篇进行分析、综述。结果与结论:干细胞来源充足,容易获取,可以体外增殖培养,干细胞移植操作简单,安全性高,尤其自体干细胞移植可完全避免移植排斥反应。但自体干细胞移植肝脏疾病的安全性和有效性尚无公识,需更长期的观察。
BACKGROUND: In the recent years, stem cells transplantation in the treatment of hepatic disease is a hot research spot for many scholars. The research of the basic theory and clinical application about stem cells transplantation has greatly developed. OBJECTIVE: To briefly review several aspects of stem cells transplantation, such as the theoretical basis of stem cells transplantation, stem cell sources, ways of transplantation, the experimental and clinical research, the existing problems and prospects. METHODS: The CNKI database and Pubmed database (during 2001-01/2011-11) were used to search the related articles about stem cells transplantation in the treatment of hepatic disease. The retrieval keywords were "stem cell, transplantation and hepatic disease, hepatic injury" in English and Chinese. There were 192 articles by the initial retrieval. Then 31 articles were remained according to the inclusion criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Stem cells had adequate sources, and it was easy to obtain. Stem cells could be cultivated and proliferate in vitro. The technology of stem cells transplantation had many advantages, such as the simple operation and high safety. Especially autologous stem cells transplantation could completely avoid transplant rejection. However, the effectiveness and safety of autologous stem cells transplantation for the treatment of hepatic disease was still unclear, a long-term observation was needed to be done.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research