
益生菌和葡聚糖对冷应激状态下贵妃雏鸡血液学变化的影响 被引量:3

Effect of probiotics and dextran on changes of hematology in royal chicken under cold stress
摘要 选择1日龄健康贵妃雏鸡192只,随机分为16组,每组12只。试验雏鸡经受比正常温度低10℃的急、慢性冷应激和冷适应处理,并对急性冷应激组添加益生菌、慢性冷应激和冷适应组添加葡聚糖处理。翼下采血制血涂片,镜检观察雏鸡白细胞分类变化,并用血细胞分析仪测定血相变化与之对比分析。结果表明,在急性冷应激期间,雏鸡的白细胞分类计数波动变化明显,嗜碱粒细胞数目和H/L比值都明显增加;血红蛋白、红细胞以及血小板数目显著增加。冷适应后淋巴细胞数目明显增加,嗜中性粒细胞明显减少,H/L比值下降。益生菌、葡聚糖处理对白细胞总数和嗜酸粒细胞影响明显,益生菌处理24h明显增加白细胞数量,葡聚糖处理15d降低了嗜酸粒细胞数目。本试验结果提示急性冷应激能引起雏鸡血液学参数的明显波动,贵妃雏鸡抗冷应激能力较强,而益生菌、葡聚糖能提高雏鸡适应冷应激的能力,改善应激状态下的免疫功能。 One hundred and ninty-two healthy chicks aged 1-day-old were randomly divided into 16 groups of 12 each. Chicks were subjected to the acute,chronic cold stress and cold acclimation treatment at 10 ℃ lower than normal temperatures,feeding probiotic to chickens in acute cold stress group, adding dextran to chickens in chronic cold stress and cold adaptation group. Blood smear was made with wing vein blood, leukocyte differential count was detected by microscopic counting, and hematological parameters were detected by automatic blood analyzer to contrast with the result of microscopic counting. The results showed that during acute cold stress the fluctuation of leukocyte differential count was significant,the number of basophils and H/L ratios were significantly increased;hemoglobin, red blood cell and platelet counts were also increased significantly. After cold acclimation, the number of lymphocytes was significantly increased, neutrophils significantly reduced, and H/L ratio decreased. Probiotics, glucan treatment affected the total number of leukocytes and eosinophils, showing a significant increase of WBC at 24 h after probiot- ics treatment,and reduce of the number of eosinophils at 15 d after glucan treatment. The results suggest that acute cold stress causes significant fluctuations of hematological parameters in chickens, Royal chicks has a strong ability of resistance to cold stress,and probiotics,glucan can enhance the ability of chickens to adapt to cold stress,improve immune function of chicks under cold stress state.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期437-440,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 山东省优秀中青年科研奖励基金资助项目(2008BS07013) 黑龙江省教委课题资金资助项目(10531123)
关键词 冷应激 雏鸡 益生菌 葡聚糖 血相 cold stress chicken probiotics glucan hematic phase
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